Area of Jurisdiction
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- Last updated:2019-09-10
- View count:3377
The Branch has jurisdiction over Tainan City . There are 37 administrative districts including East District, West Central District, South District, North District, Anping District and Annan District. Sinying District, YongKang District, Yanshuei District, Baihe District, Madou District, Jiali District, Sinhua District, Shanhua District, Syuejia District, Liouying District, Houbi District, Dongshan District, Siaying District, Lioujia District, Guantian District, Danei District, Sigang District, Cigu District, Jiangiyun District, Beimen District, Sinshih District, Anding District, Shanshang District, Yujing District, Nansi District, Nanhua District, Zuojhen District, Rende District, Gueiren District, Guanmiao District and Longci District.Totally, the population of the city is about 1.86 million and the area is 2191.6 square kilometers. There is one district court, namely Tainan, within the jurisdiction.