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Tainan Branch, Administrative Enforcement Agency, Ministry of Justice:Back to homepage


How to Declare for Installments

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2019-01-08
  • View count:1686

How to declare for installments

Declare for installments could be made by utterances or document. Now describe respectively as below:

I. Utterances declaration
    Based on economic conditions or due to natural disaster or incidents and lead to great property
    lose, submit the causes, facts and certificates that the payment could not be made in one time to
    the enforcement branch. Use utterances to apply from the undertaker and the secretary make the
    memo to substitute the document.
II. Document declaration
     1.  The obligor applies from govern administrative enforcement branch by document, and
          attached the causes, facts, reasons andrelevant certificates to the document and submit to
          the enforcement branch, then the enforcement branch dispatched to the undertaker for
     2. The document declaration better to be written in judicial format ,however, the document not
          written in judicial format does not necessarily lose its effect ,only the facts statements must
          be concrete and confirmed, and the attached certificates shall be real and correspond with


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