In servicing obligors more various and more convenient ways in bill, AEA(Administrative Enforcement Agency, Ministry of Justice) Tainan branch cooperated with the Nation Credit Card Center since January 25, 2016, and supplied cashier of the credit card so that the public pays their fee. The first payment was done on February 3.
The first record can be traced back to an obligor disobeying Employment Service Act. he hired with illegal employee and was suited 300000 dollars by the competent authority. Tainan branch had noticed him for many times for explanation but he was not yet Through sending arrest warrant from court he showed, and he said that he had no constant work, taking part-time job of personal care attendant, once in a while, and not paid off once. He asked paying 15,000 dollars per month. His older son and daughter heard the news come the branch immediately. After realizing the case, the son said they were unpleasant for him to be an illegal agent without first time. They conflicted with each other on this. Our executors withdrew and left them communicate in private. Finally, the son agreed with paying time in three phases. Owing to have insufficient cashes in his wallet nor from ATM, we suggested pay-by-credit service. He paid 100,000 dollars by credit card for the first phase.
P.S. His son paid the second phase, 100,000 dollars by credit card early in March.